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Австралия Австралия. Референдум, 1973

Вопрос 1

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘An Act to alter the Constitution so as to enable the Австралияn Parliament to control prices’?

Constitution Alteration (Prices) 1973 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to make laws with respect to prices.

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Obtained majority in no State and an overall minority of 872 954 votes.
Not carried

Вопрос 2

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘An Act to alter the Constitution so as to enable the Австралияn Parliament to make laws with respect to incomes’?

Constitution Alteration (Incomes) 1973 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to make laws with respect to incomes.

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Obtained majority in no State and an overall minority of 2 191 770 votes.
Not carried

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