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Тайвань Тайвань. Парламентские Выборы 2004

Elections to the Legislative Yuan
Souce: Central Election Commission website

* GMT - Guomindang (National People's Party)
* MJD - Minjindang (Democratic Progressive Party)
* QMD - Qinmingdang (People First Party)
* TTL - Тайвань Tuanjie Lianmeng (Тайвань Solidarity Union)
* WTL - Wudang Tuanjie Lianmeng (Non-Partisan Solidarity Union)
* XD - Xindang (New Party)

Party     Votes       %      Change        1     2     3     4      Total
GMT       3,190,081   34.9   +03.6         57    15     4    3       79  +11
MJD       3,471,429   38.0   +01.2         69    16     1    3       89  +02
QMD       1,350,613   14.8   -05.5         25     6     2    1       34  -12
TTL         756,712   08.3   -00.2          7     4     -    1       12  -01
WTL         353,164   03.9                  6     -     -    -        6
XD           12,137   00.1   -02.8          1     -     -    -        1
Others      359,095   03.9                  3     -     1    -        4
Total     9,140,067                       168    41     8    8      225
Seats 1 = 168 elected by proportional representation from counties
Seats 2 = 41 elected nationally by proportional representation
Seats 3 = 8 elected to represent indigenous ethnic minorities
Seats 4 = 8 elected to represent overseas Chinese 

The voting figures shown here are for the national proprtional representation

The GMT and the QMD together form the "Pan-Blue Alliance (Fanlanjun), which
will have 113 seats, or a majority of one, but will also be supported by the 
XD, giving it a majority of two. The MJD and TTL form the "Pan-Green Alliance"
(Fanlujun), which will have 91 seats. 

Elected candidates are indicated in capitals

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CIOU CHUAG JIN         Democratic Progessive Party       35,112  05.5
Jhou Cing Yu           Democratic Progessive Party       27,888  04.3
JIANG JHAO YI          Democratic Progessive Party       42,314  06.6
Ke Jin De              Democratic Progessive Party       33,418  05.2
WEI MING GU            Democratic Progessive Party       35,003  05.4
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       173,735  27.9
Chen Yang De           Тайвань Solidarity Union           29,145  04.5
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               202,880  31.6
Chen Cong Ming         National People’s Party           34,710  05.4
CHEN JIE               National People’s Party           48,478  07.5
CHEN SIOU CING         National People’s Party           45,933  07.1
JHUO BO YUAN           National People’s Party           40,309  06.3
LIN CANG MIN           National People’s Party           60,355  09.4
Total National People’s Party                           229,785  35.7
CHEN CHAO RONG         People First Party                39,644  06.2
Sie Jhang Jie          People First Party                34,723  05.4
Total People First Party                                 74,367  11.6
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                304,162  47.3
CHEN JIN DING          Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     42,055  06.5
YANG ZONG JHE                                            35,941  05.6
Chen Huan Lin                                            31,588  04.9
Huang Wun Ling                                           14,896  02.3
Jiang Chun Sheng                                          9,128  01.4
Cyu Ya Wun                                                2,305  00.4
Total                                                   642,945

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CAI TONG RONG          Democratic Progessive Party       31,193  30.2
Ling Zih Chu           Тайвань Solidarity Union           24,211  23.5
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                55,404  53.7
HUANG MIN HUEI         National People’s Party           47,308  45.8
Jhang Meng Chong       Non-Partisan Solidarity Union        495  00.5
Total                                                   103,207

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CAI CI FANG            Democratic Progessive Party       37,815  15.1
JHANG HUA GUAN         Democratic Progessive Party       37,281  14.9
LIN GUO CING           Democratic Progessive Party       37,602  15.0
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       112,698  45.0
He Jia Rong            Тайвань Solidarity Union           16,154  06.5
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               128,852  51.5
He Cing Wun            National People’s Party           22,442  09.0
Jian Tai He            National People’s Party            6,152  02.5
WONG JHONG JYUN        National People’s Party           66,425  26.5
Total National People’s Party                            95,019  38.0
Li Cing Jyun           People First Party                 7,407  03.0
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                102,426  41.0
Chen Ming Ren                                             8,737  03.5
He Jin Song            Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      7,909  03.2
Syu Neng Tong                                             2,342  00.9
Total                                                   250,266

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
KE JIAN MING           Democratic Progessive Party       37,841  25.7
Liao Hong Siang Тайвань Solidarity Union                  27,568  18.8
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                65,409  44.5
KE JYUN SYONG          National People’s Party           40,172  27.3
LYU SYUE JHANG         People First Party                31,507  21.4
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 71,679  48.8
Gao Jheng Jhong                                           3,127  02.1
Jhao Fu Long                                                178  00.1
Jheng Jheng Cian                                          4,364  03.0
Yang Jhih Ciang                                           1,243  00.9
Zeng Ru Mei                                               1,028  00.7
Total                                                   147,028

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
LIN WEI JHOU           Democratic Progessive Party       39,242  20.8
Zhang Syue Shun        Democratic Progessive Party       30,243  16.1
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                69,484  36.9
YE FANG SYONG          National People’s Party           40,837  21.7
CIOU JING CHUN         National People’s Party           39,626  21.1
Total National People’s Party                            80,463  42.8
Chen Ci Huei           People First Party                38,339  20.4
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                118,802  63.2
Total                                                   188,286

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
LU BO JI               Democratic Progessive Party       26,257  27.4
Chen Rong Cai          Тайвань Solidarity Union            3,430  03.6
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                29,687  31.0
FU KUN CI              People First Party                28,761  30.0
Jhong Yi Wun                                             12,184  12.7
Lin Lian Ming          Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      2,437  02.5
Wang Ting Sheng                                          22,699  23.7
Total                                                    95,768

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CHEN JIN DE            Democratic Progessive Party       39,331  21.3
ZHANG CHUAN TIAN       Democratic Progessive Party       59,585  32.3
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                98,916  53.6
LIN JIAN RONG          National People’s Party           52,533  28.4
Jheng Mei Lan          People First Party                33,212  18.0
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 85,745  46.4
Total                                                   184,661

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
GUAN BI LING           Democratic Progessive Party       46,651  12.8
LI KUN ZE              Democratic Progessive Party       55,126  15.2
LIN JIN SING           Democratic Progessive Party       47,299  13.0
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       149,076  41.0
ZENG CAN DENG          Тайвань Solidarity Union           40,326  11.1
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               189,402  52.1
Jiang Ci Wun           National People’s Party           37,621  10.4
Luo Li Kang            National People’s Party            2,199  00.6
LUO SHIH SYONG         National People’s Party           46,583  12.8
Total National People’s Party                            86,403  23.8
JHANG SIAN YAO         People First Party                54,942  15.1
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                141,345  38.9
Jhang Rong Sian                                           5,583  01.5
Lin Jhih Bin                                                276  00.1
Lin Shou Shan                                             3,646  01.0
Mei Zai Sing           Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      2,702  00.7
Su Ying Guei                                             19,953  05.5
Wang Tian Jing                                              678  00.2
Total                                                   363,585

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
GUO WUN CHENG          Democratic Progessive Party       33,033  12.1
HUANG JHAO HUEI        Democratic Progessive Party       49,009  18.0
Tang Jin Cyuan         Democratic Progessive Party       32,022  11.8
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       114,064  41.9
LUO JHIH MING          Тайвань Solidarity Union           35,554  13.1
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               149,618  55.0
LI FU SING             National People’s Party           42,538  15.6
CIOU YI                People First Party                40,551  14.9
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 83,089  30.5
Cai Ma Fu              Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      1,561  00.6
Guo Jin Sheng                                             1,024  00.4
Jheng Li Wun                                             24,780  09.1
Jhu Ting Jie                                             11,373  04.2
Lin Jing Yuan                                             1,060  00.4
Total                                                   272,505

Pan-Green Coalition                                     339,020  53.3
Pan-Blue Coalition                                      224,434  35.3
Others                                                   72,636  11.4
Total                                                   636,090

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CHEN CI YU             Democratic Progessive Party       53,848  09.9
LIN DAI HUA            Democratic Progessive Party       51,083  09.4
SYU JHIH MING          Democratic Progessive Party       34,366  06.3
YAN WUN JHANG          Democratic Progessive Party       60,522  11.1
YU JHENG DAO           Democratic Progessive Party       33,965  06.2
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       233,784  44.2
Huang Wan Cyuan        Тайвань Solidarity Union           31,110  05.9
Lin Jhih Long          Тайвань Solidarity Union           27,297  05.1
Total Тайвань Solidarity Union                            58,407  11.0
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               292,191  55.2
Chen Li Huei           National People’s Party           32,767  06.0
LIN YI SHIH            National People’s Party           69,115  12.7
WU GUANG SYUN          National People’s Party           56,467  10.4
Total National People’s Party                           158,349  29.1
JHAO LIANG YAN         People First Party                33,631  06.2
JHONG SHAO HE          People First Party                36,405  06.7
Total People First Party                                 70,036  12.9
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                228,385  42.0
Chen Jing Sing         Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      1,695  00.3
Huan Si Wun            Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      6,585  01.2
Total Non-Partisan Solidarity Union                       8,280  01.5
Cai Shang Jheng                                          11,548  02.1
Wang Jin Syong                                            4,780  00.9
Total                                                   528,856

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
WANG TUO               Democratic Progessive Party       34,129  22.7
Wang Dong Huei         Тайвань Solidarity Union           21,370  14.2
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                55,499  36.8
SYU SHAO PING          National People’s Party           36,073  23.9
SIE GUO LIANG          People First Party                52,840  35.1
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 88,913  59.0
Lyu Mei Ling                                              6,257  04.2
Total                                                   150,669

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Wong Ming Jhih         Democratic Progessive Party        1,329  05.9
WU CHENG DIAN          New Party                         12,137  54.1
Li Cheng Yi            Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      5,544  24.7
Chen Cing Bao                                             3,436  15.3
Total                                                    22,446

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Lin Huo Meng           Democratic Progessive Party          196  04.4
Cao Yuan Jhang         People First Party                 1,751  39.3
CAO ER JHONG                                              2,504  56.3
Total                                                     4,451

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
DU WUN CING            Democratic Progessive Party       41,643  17.1
Chen Chao Ming         Democratic Progessive Party       38,839  16.2
Total Democratic Progessive Party                        80,482  23.7
Ciou De Hong           Тайвань Solidarity Union            7,683  03.2
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                88,165  25.9
HE JHIH HUEI           National People’s Party           50,070  20.9
LIOU JHENG HONG        National People’s Party           53,123  22.2
Total National People’s Party                           203,193  59.8
SYU YAO CHANG          People First Party                44,315  18.5
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                247,508  72.8
Lan Bo Jhou                                               2,953  01.2
Li Jia Mu                                                   441  00.2
Zhang Rong Sian                                             373  00.2
Sie Hong Yi                                                 367  00.2
Total                                                   339,807

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
LIN YUN SHENG          Democratic Progessive Party       31,188  14.5
TANG HUO SHENG         Democratic Progessive Party       33,074  15.3
Total Democratic Progessive Party                        64,262  29.8
Chen Ci Ji             Тайвань Solidarity Union           29,448  13.7
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                93,710  43.5
WU DUN YI              National People’s Party           59,479  27.6
CHEN JHIH BIN          People First Party                30,914  14.3
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 90,393  41.9
Chen Jhen Sheng        Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     16,447  07.6
Lin Bo Wun                                                3,882  01.8
Lin Min Jheng                                             6,517  03.0
Peng Bai Jhih                                             3,146  01.5
Syu Jyun Si                                                 233  00.1
Wu Jheng Syun                                             1,398  00.7
Total                                                   215,726

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Gao Jhih Peng          Democratic Progessive Party      14,933  39.5
LIN BING KUN           Non-Partisan Solidarity Union    22,650  59.9
Syu Jing Ming                                              250  00.7

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Ciou Yi Ying           Democratic Progessive Party       31,651  08.0
JHENG CHAO MING        Democratic Progessive Party       44,691  11.4
LIN YU SHENG           Democratic Progessive Party       40,187  10.2
PAN MENG AN            Democratic Progessive Party       53,583  13.6
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       170,112  43.2
Lan Cyun Jie           Тайвань Solidarity Union           37,383  09.5
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               207,495  52.7
LIAO WAN RU            National People’s Party           50,923  12.9
WU JIN LIN             National People’s Party           64,425  16.4
Total National People’s Party                           115,348  29.3
Lin Yuan Si            People First Party                11,245  02.9
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                126,593  32.2
CAI HAO                Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     50,029  12.7
Li Jing Wun                                               6,586  01.7
Hong Huei Siang                                           3,046  00.8
Total                                                   393,749

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
LI MING SIAN           Democratic Progessive Party       30,865  07.8
SIE MING YUAN          Democratic Progessive Party       41,483  10.4
WANG SHIH SYUN         Democratic Progessive Party       54,912  13.8
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       127,260  31.9
HE MIN HAO             Тайвань Solidarity Union           34,565  08.7
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               161,825  40.6
CAI JIN LONG           National People’s Party           67,711  17.0
Chen Shu Wan           National People’s Party            9,842  02.5
LU SIOU YAN            National People’s Party           50,944  12.8
Total National People’s Party                           128,497  32.3
HUANG YI JIAO          People First Party                38,568  09.7
SHEN JHIH HUEI         People First Party                34,726  08.7
Total People First Party                                 73,294  18.4
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                201,791  50.7
He Wun Hai                                                6,464  01.6
Jhang Wun Ying                                           17,764  04.5
Lin Jhong Sheng                                             131  00.0
Lin Pei Le             Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      7,344  01.8
Liou Shih Jhou                                              687  00.2
Ni Jheng Ting                                               332  00.1
Shih Huei Cyun                                              976  00.3
Su Yun Hua                                                  570  00.1
Wei Ruei Jhou                                               282  00.1
Total                                                   398,166

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CAI CI CHANG           Democratic Progessive Party       39,804  06.3
GUO JYUN MING          Democratic Progessive Party       35,450  05.6
Jian Jhao Dong         Democratic Progessive Party       28,300  04.5
Liou Ruei Long         Democratic Progessive Party       13,421  02.1
SIE SIN NI             Democratic Progessive Party       59,246  09.4
WU FU GUEI             Democratic Progessive Party       49,468  07.8
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       225,689  35.7
Wang Dai Chun Man      Тайвань Solidarity Union           23,009  03.6
Zhang Jin Hu           Тайвань Solidarity Union           15,390  02.4
Total Тайвань Solidarity Union                            38,399  06.0
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               264,088  41.7
JI GUO DONG            National People’s Party           43,617  06.9
JIANG LIAN FU          National People’s Party           47,534  07.5
LIOU CHUAN JHONG       National People’s Party           59,663  09.4
SYU JHONG SYONG        National People’s Party           38,362  06.1
YANG CHONG YING        National People’s Party           43,134  06.8
Total National People’s Party                           232,310  36.7
FONG DING GUO          People First Party                55,419  08.8
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                287,729  45.5
Huang Jin Tuei                                              318  00.1
Jhuang Ciao Song                                            433  00.1
Lin Ciao Fong                                             3,176  00.5
Lin Jhen Chang                                              490  00.1
Shih Chong Guang                                            367  00.1
YAN CING BIAO          Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     46,111  07.3
Yang Tian Sheng                                          28,910  04.6
Wu Cing Si                                                  750  00.1
Total                                                   632,372

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
LAI CING DE            Democratic Progessive Party       45,997  14.5
TANG BI E              Democratic Progessive Party       51,422  16.2
WANG SING NAN          Democratic Progessive Party       33,833  10.7
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       131,252  41.4
Cian Lin Huei Jyun     Тайвань Solidarity Union           32,966  10.4
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               164,218  51.8
LIN NAN SHENG          National People’s Party           36,930  11.7
WANG YU TING           National People’s Party           49,261  15.5
Total National People’s Party                            86,191  27.2
GAO SIH BO             People First Party                44,004  13.9
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                130,195  41.1
Liang Cong Rong                                             471  00.2
Lin Lian Huei                                               477  00.2
Shih Jhih Ming         Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     14,093  04.4
Su Nan Cheng                                              7,249  02.3
Zeng Wun Hong                                               192  00.1
Total                                                   316,895

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
HOU SHUEI SHENG        Democratic Progessive Party       51,289  10.1
HUANG WEI JHE          Democratic Progessive Party       43,505  08.6
JHENG GUO JHONG        Democratic Progessive Party       50,861  10.0
LI JYUNG YI            Democratic Progessive Party       47,177  09.3
YE YI JIN              Democratic Progessive Party       33,724  06.6
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       226,556  44.6
Zeng Sin Chao          Тайвань Solidarity Union           26,066  05.1
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               252,622  49.7
Guo Tian Cai           National People’s Party           34,555  06.8
HONG YU CIN            National People’s Party           43,972  08.7
LI CYUAN JIAO          National People’s Party           48,706  09.6
Song Si Guang          National People’s Party           28,743  05.7
Total National People’s Party                           155,976  30.7
Li Jheng Ling          People First Party                25,062  04.9
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                181,038  35.6
LI HE SHUN             Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     48,634  09.6
Guo Siou Jhu                                             19,318  03.8
Sie Yao Jheng                                             5,800  01.1
Wang Guo Dong                                               398  00.1
Syu Gao Rue                                                 356  00.1
Total                                                   508,166

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
GAO JIAN JHIH          Democratic Progessive Party       48,624  08.0
JHENG YUN PENG         Democratic Progessive Party       45,234  07.4
LIN CHONG MO           Democratic Progessive Party       36,047  05.9
SIAO MEI CIN           Democratic Progessive Party       44,648  07.3
SYU GUO YONG           Democratic Progessive Party       42,784  07.0
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       217,337  35.7
Chen Jian Ming         Тайвань Solidarity Union           33,861  05.6
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               251,198  41.2
CAI JHENG YUAN         National People’s Party           45,965  07.5
DING SHOU JHONG        National People’s Party           66,156  10.9
FEI HONG TAI           National People’s Party           40,305  06.6
JHANG SIAO YAN         National People’s Party           52,482  08.6
Total National People’s Party                           204,908  33.6
Cin Huei Jhu           People First Party                35,676  05.9
LI YONG PING           People First Party                51,087  08.4
Syu Yuan Guo           People First Party                13,358  02.2
Total People First Party                                100,121  16.4
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                305,029  50.1
Chen Jian Ming                                              925  00.2
Ke Cih Hai                                                3,998  00.7
Lin Jheng Siou                                           19,512  03.2
Shih Ming De                                             26,974  04.4
Syu Gan Lin                                                 255  00.0
Syu Jia Chen                                                 94  00.0
Wu Jhu Jiang                                                103  00.0
Wu Shih Cian                                                439  00.1
Wu Siang Huei                                               847  00.1
Total                                                   609,374

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Duan Yi Kang           Democratic Progessive Party       32,522  05.5
GUO JHENG LIANG        Democratic Progessive Party       35,834  06.1
LAN MEI JIN            Democratic Progessive Party       39,541  06.7
Shen Fu Syong          Democratic Progessive Party       24,995  04.3
WANG SHIH JIAN         Democratic Progessive Party       65,027  11.0
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       197,919  33.6
HUANG SHIH JHUO        Тайвань Solidarity Union           36,431  06.2
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               234,350  39.8
Chen Syue Sheng        National People’s Party           30,862  05.3
JHOU SHOU SYUN         National People’s Party           49,231  08.4
LAI SHIH BAO           National People’s Party           70,773  12.0
PAN WEI GANG           National People’s Party           41,531  07.1
Total National People’s Party                           192,397  32.7
LI CING AN             People First Party                37,035  06.3
LIN YU FANG            People First Party                48,856  08.3
Pang Jian Guo          People First Party                18,937  03.2
Total People First Party                                104,828  17.8
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                297,225  50.5
Chen Yuan Ci           Non-Partisan Solidarity Union        272  00.1
Fang Jing Jyun                                              233  00.0
Guo Jhong Can                                               127  00.0
Huang Da Jin                                                 72  00.0
Huang Fu Cing                                               251  00.0
Huang Fu Yi                                                 275  00.1
Jhang Yao Yuan                                              291  00.1
Jheng Liang                                                  72  00.0
Jhou Jin Di                                                 115  00.0
Ji Li Hao                                                    75  00.0
Li Ao                                                    33,922  05.8
Li Lin Yao                                                  127  00.0
Liang Chih Cheng                                             87  00.0
Lin Jin Jhang                                             6,999  01.2
Liou Kan Yu                                                 132  00.0
Syu Sin Liang                                            13,037  02.2
Wang Fang Ping                                              583  00.1
Total                                                   588,245

Pan-Green Coalition                                     485,548  40.5
Pan-Blue Coalition                                      602,254  50.3
Others                                                  109,817  09.2
Total                                                 1,197,619

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Jhang Cing Fang        Democratic Progessive Party       32,115  07.4
JHUANG SHUO HAN        Democratic Progessive Party       52,534  12.2
LI WUN JHONG           Democratic Progessive Party       37,216  08.6
WANG SHU HUEI          Democratic Progessive Party       32,913  07.6
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       154,778  35.9
LIAO BEN YAN           Тайвань Solidarity Union           32,204  07.5
Siao Guan Yu           Тайвань Solidarity Union           24,294  05.6
Total Тайвань Solidarity Union                            56,498  13.1
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               211,276  49.0
LI JIA JIN             National People’s Party           49,955  11.6
Li Sheng Fong          National People’s Party           27,946  06.5
LIN HONG CHIH          National People’s Party           54,000  12.5
Total National People’s Party                           131,901  30.6
JHOU SI WEI            People First Party                51,767  12.0
WU CING CHIH           People First Party                35,225  08.2
Total People First Party                                 86,992  20.2
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                218,893  50.8
Chen Cheng Jyun                                             261  00.1
Lin Sian Tong          Non-Partisan Solidarity Union        584  00.1
Luo Fu Jhu                                                  584  00.1
Total                                                   431,598

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CAO LAI WANG           Democratic Progessive Party       42,411  07.7
CHEN JING JYUN         Democratic Progessive Party       31,857  05.8
Chen Mao Nan           Democratic Progessive Party       24,958  04.5
HUANG JIAN HUEI        Democratic Progessive Party       35,989  06.6
LIN SHU FEN            Democratic Progessive Party       43,680  08.0
WU BING RUEI           Democratic Progessive Party       45,821  08.3
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       224,716  40.9
Liou Yi De             Тайвань Solidarity Union           27,691  05.0
Syu Deng Gong          Тайвань Solidarity Union           24,142  04.4
Total Тайвань Solidarity Union                            51,833  09.4
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               276,549  50.3
CAI JIA FU             National People’s Party           34,486  06.3
JHU JYUN SIAO          National People’s Party           48,874  08.9
LI SIAN RONG           National People’s Party           44,442  08.1
WU YU SHENG            National People’s Party           73,164  13.3
Total National People’s Party                           200,966  36.6
KE SHU MIN             People First Party                29,472  05.4
LI HONG JYUN           People First Party                39,441  07.2
Total People First Party                                 68,913  12.5
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                269,879  49.1
Jheng Yu Jhen          Non-Partisan Solidarity Union        995  00.2
Lin Li Rong                                               1,075  00.2
Shao Jian Sing                                              226  00.0
Sie Jhen An                                                 323  00.1
Su Cing Yan                                                 477  00.1
Total                                                   549,524

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CHEN CHAO LONG         Democratic Progessive Party       35,709  06.7
JHAO YONG CING         Democratic Progessive Party       47,618  09.0
Jhou Ya Shu            Democratic Progessive Party       30,138  05.7
SHEN FA HUEI           Democratic Progessive Party       48,907  09.2
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       162,372  30.6
Chen Yong Fu           Тайвань Solidarity Union           28,413  05.4
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               190,785  35.9
HONG SIOU JHU          National People’s Party           57,389  10.8
JHANG CING JHONG       National People’s Party           44,136  08.3
LEI CIAN               National People’s Party           72,467  13.6
LUO MING CAI           National People’s Party           45,395  08.5
Total National People’s Party                           219,387  41.3
Jheng San Yuan         People First Party                31,290  05.9
LI CING HUA            People First Party                44,956  08.5
LIN DE FU              People First Party                41,210  07.8
Total People First Party                                117,456  22.1
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                336,843  63.4
Gao Ji Jhong                                                186  00.0
Su Huei Jhen                                              1,359  00.3
Syu Deng Kun                                                153  00.0
Syu Wun Ren                                                 995  00.2
Yang Shih Sing                                              400  00.1
Yin Zai Fu                                                  283  00.1
Zai Chang Chen                                              121  00.0
Zhang Tong Sian                                             257  00.1
Total                                                   531,382

Pan-Green Coalition                                     678,610  44.9
Pan-Blue Coalition                                      825,615  54.6
Others                                                    8,279  00.5
Total                                                 1,512,504

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Syu Ruei Guei          Democratic Progessive Party       23,551  38.0
HUANG JIAN TING        National People’s Party           38,178  61.6
Jin Yi Fang                                                 259  00.4
Total                                                    61,988

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Chen Zong Yi           Democratic Progessive Party       29,137  04.0
Ciou Chuei Jhen        Democratic Progessive Party       29,962  04.1
GUO RONG ZONG          Democratic Progessive Party       35,762  04.9
LI JHEN NAN            Democratic Progessive Party       40,513  05.5
Li Yue Cin             Democratic Progessive Party       30,670  04.2
PENG SHAO JIN          Democratic Progessive Party       48,192  06.5
PENG TIAN FU           Democratic Progessive Party       37,549  05.1
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       251,785  34.2
Chen Jiang Shun        Тайвань Solidarity Union           17,091  02.3
HUANG ZONG YUAN        Тайвань Solidarity Union           32,077  04.4
Total Тайвань Solidarity Union                            49,168  06.7
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               300,953  40.9
CHEN GEN DE            National People’s Party           44,763  06.1
Chen Li Ling           National People’s Party           25,394  03.5
JHU FONG JHIH          National People’s Party           50,488  06.9
LIN JHENG FONG         National People’s Party           45,170  06.1
WU JHIH YANG           National People’s Party           51,225  07.0
YANG LI HUAN           National People’s Party           38,744  05.3
ZHANG CHANG CAI        National People’s Party           38,595  05.2
Total National People’s Party                           294,379  39.9
JHENG JIN LING         People First Party                34,012  04.6
Lyu Jhih Ming          People First Party                20,616  02.8
SUN DA CIAN            People First Party                45,376  06.2
Total People First Party                                100,004  13.6
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                394,383  53.5
Ciou Chuang Liang      Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     15,689  02.1
Luo Huan Lu            Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     15,381  02.1
Total Non-Partisan Solidarity Union                      31,070  04.2
Gan Guo Siou                                                926  00.1
Huang De Rong                                             3,909  00.5
Huang Fei Hong                                              483  00.1
Lai Jhu Sing                                                933  00.1
Lin Yi Cing                                               3,179  00.4
Wang Syue Huei                                              820  00.1
Yu Huei Nan                                                 187  00.0
Total                                                   736,843

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CHEN SIAN JHONG        Democratic Progessive Party       34,226  09.8
Lin Guo Hua            Democratic Progessive Party       29,034  08.3
LIN SHU SHAN           Democratic Progessive Party       38,313  11.0
Total Democratic Progessive Party                       101,573  29.0
YIN LING YING          Тайвань Solidarity Union           33,053  09.5
Total Pan-Green Coalition                               134,626  38.5
Hou Huei Sian          National People’s Party           18,021  05.2
JHANG SHUO WUN         National People’s Party           42,221  12.1
SYU SHU BO             National People’s Party           39,233  11.2
Total National People’s Party                            99,475  28.4
Chen Jian Song         People First Party                28,817  08.2
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                128,292  36.7
Cai Heng Sheng                                              658  00.2
Gao Jin Lang                                                730  00.2
JHANG LI SHAN                                            51,436  14.7
Jheng Dong Lai                                            5,347  01.5
Liou Diao Tong                                              483  00.1
Liao Fu Ben                                                 780  00.2
Lin Ming Yi            Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      6,256  01.8
Wu Bing Huei                                                487  00.1
Syu Shu Fu                                                  457  00.1
Zeng Cai Mei Zuo                                         20,310  05.8
Total                                                   349,862

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
CHEN YING              Democratic Progessive Party        8,364  13.2
Yang Ren Huang         Тайвань Solidarity Union            1,061  01.7
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                 9,425  14.9
LIAO GUO DONG          National People’s Party           13,304  21.0
YANG REN FU            National People’s Party           14,706  23.3
Total National People’s Party                            28,010  44.3
Jhang Jhong Han        People First Party                 5,292  08.4
LIN JHENG ER           People First Party                 8,045  12.7
Total People First Party                                 13,337  21.1
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 41,347
Song Jin Cai           Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      7,015  11.1
Wang Cing Jian         Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      4,982  07.9
Total Pan Non-Partisan Solidarity Union                  11,997  19.0
Jhang Sian Sheng                                            472  00.8
Total                                                    63,241

Candidate              Party                            Votes    %     
Chen Dao Ming          Democratic Progessive Party        5,785  07.1
Lon Wun Sheng          Тайвань Solidarity Union            3,719  04.6
Total Pan-Green Coalition                                 9,504  11.7
KONG WUN JI            National People’s Party           17,307  21.2
ZENG HUA DE            National People’s Party           13,536  16.6
Total National People’s Party                            30,843  37.8
LIN CHUN DE            People First Party                12,179  14.9
Total Pan-Blue Coalition                                 43,022  52.7
GAO JIN SU MEI         Non-Partisan Solidarity Union     16,284  20.0
Wa Li Sih              Non-Partisan Solidarity Union      9,415  11.5
Total Pan Non-Partisan Solidarity Union                  25,699  32.9
Wu Sin Guo                                                3,145  03.9
Li Siou Cin                                                 216  00.3
Total                                                    78,225

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