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Словения Словения. Выборы в Европарламент 2004

Place Party Number of votes Share of the votes
1 NSi New Словения. Christian People’s Party 102753 23.57 %
2 Liberal Democracy of Словения and Pensioner’s Party 95489 21.91 %
3 Slovenian Democratic Party 76945 17.65 %
4 United List of Social Democrats 61672 14.15 %
5 Slovenian People’s Party 36662 8.41 %
6 Slovene National Party 21883 5.02 %
7 Словения is ours 17930 4.11 %
8 Youth Party of Словения and Greens of Словения 10027 2.30 %
9 Voice of Slovenian women 5249 1.20 %
10 Party of Ecological Movement of Словения 2588 0.59 %
11 National Party of Labour 2022 0.46 %
12 Party of Slovenian People 1386 0.32 %
13 Democratic Party of Словения 1263 0.29 %


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