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Германия Германия. Парламентские выборы 1912

Партии и места

Party Seats
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 110
Centre Party
(Zentrum — Political Catholics) 91
National Liberal Party
(NL — National Liberals, right wing Liberals) 45
German Conservative Party
(DKP — Conservatives) 43
Progressive People’s Party
(FVP — Liberals, left wing Liberals) 42
(P — Polish Deputies in Posen, West Prussia and Upper Silesia) 18
Free Conservative Party
(DRP — Conservative Nationalists) 14
(A — Lorrainian and Alsatian regionalists in Alsace-Lorraine) 9
German-Hanoverian Party
(DHP — Hanover regionalists) 5
(AS — Anti-Semites) 3
Peasant’s Parties
(BL — Bund der Landwirte, etc.) 7
Independent 2
(D — Danish Deputy in Northern Schleswig) 1
Total 397

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