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Боливия Боливия. Референдум по газу, 2004


The five questions on the referendum were:

  1. Do you agree that the Hydrocarbons Law (No. 1689), enacted by Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada, should be repealed?
  2. Do you agree that the Боливияn State should recover ownership over all hydrocarbons at the wellhead?
  3. Do you agree that Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Боливияnos [the state-owned oil company privatized under Sánchez de Lozada] should be re-established, reclaiming state ownership of the Боливияn people’s stakes in the part-privatized oil companies, so that it can take part in all stages of the hydrocarbon production chain?
  4. Do you agree with President Carlos Mesa’s policy of using gas as a strategic recourse to achieve a sovereign and viable route of access to the Pacific Ocean?
  5. Do you or do you not agree that Боливия should export gas as part of a national policy framework that ensures the gas needs of Боливияns; encourages the industrialization of gas in the nation’s territory; levies taxes and/or royalties of up to 50% of the production value of oil and gas on oil companies, for the nation’s benefit; and earmarks revenues from the export and industrialization of gas mainly for education, health, roads, and jobs?
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*As a percentage of the valid votes.
**As a percentage of the total votes

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