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Австралия Австралия. Референдум, 1926

4 September 1926

(14) Industry and Commerce; (15) Essential Services

Вопрос 1

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (Industry and Commerce) 1926’?

Constitution Alteration (Industry and Commerce) 1926 sought to extend the Commonwealth Parliament’s power to make laws in relation to corporations, and to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to make laws with respect to trusts and combinations in restraint of trade, trade unions and employer associations.

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Obtained majority in two States and an overall minority of 372 567 votes.
Not carried

Вопрос 2

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (Essential Services) 1926’?

Constitution Alteration (Essential Services) 1926 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to take measures necessary to protect the public against an actual or probable interruption of essential services.

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Obtained majority in two States and an overall minority of 402 291 votes.
Not carried

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