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Romania Romania. Legislative Election 2008

Democratic Liberal Party (Partidul Democrat-Liberal)
PSD+PC Alliance (Alianţa PSD+PC): Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat)+ Conservative Party (Partidul Conservator)
National Liberal Party (Partidul Naţional Liberal)
Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România)
Greater Romania Party (Partidul România Mare)
New Generation Party (Partidul Noua Generaţie)

Total 33.09% 32.34% 18.57% 6.18% 3.15% 2.28%
Alba 20.00% 47.32% 21.59% 3.91% 2.52% 1.61%
Arad 21.24% 48.24% 13.13% 8.27% 3.49% 2.18%
Arges 45.39% 27.82% 15.50% 0.13% 4.92% 3.18%
Bacau 38.00% 29.71% 23.66% 0.55% 3.23% 1.60%
Bihor 24.70% 18.37% 21.91% 25.13% 4.36% 2.36%
Bistrita-Nasaud 31.98% 36.33% 18.78% 5.43% 3.10% 1.57%
Botosani 32.76% 26.58% 25.71% 0.21% 4.35% 3.75%
Brasov 23.02% 38.51% 22.92% 7.60% 3.48% 1.23%
Braila 47.65% 23.31% 15.74% 1.91% 4.32% 3.14%
Buzau 38.59% 26.44% 26.86% 0.13% 2.50% 1.78%
Caras-Severin 29.81% 31.59% 22.72% 1.00% 3.52% 5.47%
Calarasi 21.38% 29.76% 38.80% 0.13% 3.30% 2.04%
Cluj 19.17% 39.82% 14.95% 16.40% 4.44% 2.02%
Constanta 47.80% 27.15% 14.87% 0.14% 2.67% 1.44%
Covasna 10.88% 8.41% 4.27% 61.50% 1.58% 2.02%
Dambovita 35.96% 45.74% 10.10% 0.27% 3.19% 2.15%
Dolj 47.94% 31.74% 13.09% 0.12% 2.23% 1.36%
Galati 46.54% 27.98% 15.83% 0.41% 3.40% 2.08%
Giurgiu 18.92% 24.38% 47.76% 0.17% 2.57% 1.01%
Gorj 44.42% 31.35% 14.96% 0.41% 3.92% 2.26%
Harghita 6.35% 3.64% 3.23% 75.31%   0.65%
Hunedoara 31.33% 33.55% 23.75% 3.54% 3.65% 1.17%
Ialomita 42.90% 26.34% 19.31% 0.10% 3.44% 2.38%
Iasi 34.38% 31.14% 22.99% 0.16% 3.16% 1.84%
Ilfov 29.58% 38.64% 23.66% 1.83% 1.98% 3.14%
Maramures 30.47% 32.86% 19.22% 7.78% 3.40% 2.77%
Mehedinti 34.32% 35.59% 21.60% 3.77% 2.67% 2.07%
Mures 17.64% 20.17% 14.14% 39.48% 3.86% 1.74%
Neamt 34.63% 40.64% 14.12% 0.10% 2.45% 1.58%
Olt 45.02% 32.36% 15.80% 0.16% 3.20% 1.12%
Prahova 32.25% 36.93% 21.23% 2.37% 3.11% 3.79%
Satu Mare 22.64% 23.66% 10.98% 36.05% 1.61% 1.92%
Salaj 25.51% 23.73% 17.26% 27.02% 2.35% 1.59%
Sibiu 25.72% 41.49% 17.28% 2.11% 2.85% 1.18%
Suceava 30.86% 42.42% 15.03% 0.37% 2.48% 2.41%
Teleorman 40.40% 26.68% 27.49% 1.06% 1.77% 1.20%
Timis 27.41% 41.06% 14.19% 5.30% 3.45% 1.61%
Tulcea 29.04% 38.97% 14.35% 0.16% 4.47% 5.26%
Vaslui 42.67% 24.70% 19.71% 0.16% 4.01% 2.76%
Valcea 40.77% 27.39% 23.87% 0.23% 3.13% 1.50%
Vrancea 48.79% 28.85% 15.85% 0.09% 1.18% 1.38%
Bucharest 33.43% 37.56% 15.85% 0.37% 4.13% 4.93%

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  1. ngy | Feb 1, 2009 | Reply

    UDMR obtained more in Prahova than in Sibiu. Thats interesting …

  2. i | Feb 11, 2009 | Reply

    It’s a mistake for Prahova. UDMR obtained 0,24% there (586 votes). The UDMR results for Braila, Ilfov, Mehedinti and Teleorman are also mistaken. in all these counties the party obtained results below 1%.

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