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Australia Australia. Referendum, 1951


Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (Powers to deal with Communists and Communism) 1951’?

Constitution Alteration (Powers to deal with Communists and Communism) 1951 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to make laws with respect to communists and communism where this was necessary for the security of the Commonwealth.

Australia. Referendum, 1951

State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (v) For (%) Against (v) Against (%) Informal
1. New South Wales 1 944 219 1 861 147 865 838 47.17 969 868 52.83 25 441
2. Victoria 1 393 556 1 326 024 636 819 48.71 670 513 51.29 18 692
3. Queensland 709 328 675 916 373 156 55.76 296 019 44.24 6 741
4. South Australia 442 983 427 253 198 971 47.29 221 763 52.71 6 519
5. Western Australia 319 383 305 653 164 989 55.09 134 497 44.91 6 167
6. Tasmania 164 868 158 596 78 154 50.26 77 349 49.74 3 093
7. Total for Commonwealth 4 974 337 4 754 589* 2 317 927 49.44 2 370 009 50.56 66 653

* Including 9472 votes by members of the Forces, of which 6478 were for, 2912 against and 82 informal.
Obtained majority in three States and an overall minority of 52 082 votes.
Not carried

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