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Australia Australia. Referendum, 1967

Question 1

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘An Act to alter the Constitution so that the number of Members of the House of Representatives may be increased without necessarily increasing the number of Senators’?

Section 24 of the Constitution requires that the number of Members of the House of Representatives must be approximately double the number of Senators. Constitution Alteration (Parliament) 1967 sought to alter the Constitution so as to remove this ‘nexus’.

Australia. Referendum, 1967. Question 1

State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (v) For (%) Against (v) Against (%) Informal
New South Wales 2 315 828 2 166 507 1 087 694 51.01 1 044 458 48.99 34 355
Victoria 1 734 476 1 630 594 496 826 30.87 1 112 506 69.13 21 262
Queensland 904 808 848 728 370 200 44.13 468 673 55.87 9 855
South Australia 590 275 560 844 186 344 33.91 363 120 66.09 11 380
Western Australia 437 609 405 666 114 841 29.05 280 523 70.95 10 302
Tasmania 199 589 189 245 42 764 23.06 142 660 76.94 3 821
Total for Commonwealth 6 182 585 5 801 584 2 298 669 40.25 3 411 940 59.75 90 975

Obtained majority in one State and an overall minority of 1 113 271 votes.
Not carried

Question 2

Do you approve the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘An Act to alter the Constitution so as to omit certain words relating to the people of the Aboriginal race in any state so that Aboriginals are to be counted in reckoning the population’?

Constitution Alteration (Aboriginals) 1967 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to make laws with respect to Aboriginal people wherever they lived in Australia. It also sought to make it possible to include Aboriginal people in national censuses. The amendment deleted part of section 51 (xxvi) and repealed section 127.

Australia. Referendum, 1967. Question 2

State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (v) For (%) Against (v) Against (%) Informal
New South Wales 2 315 828 2 166 507 1 949 036 91.46 182 010 8.54 35 461
Victoria 1 734 476 1 630 594 1 525 026 94.68 85 611 5.32 19 957
Queensland 904 808 848 728 748 612 89.21 90 587 10.79 9 529
South Australia 590 275 560 844 473 440 86.26 75 383 13.74 12 021
Western Australia 437 609 405 666 319 823 80.95 75 282 19.05 10 561
Tasmania 199 589 189 245 167 176 90.21 18 134 9.79 3 935
Total for Commonwealth 6 182 585 5 801 584 5 183 113 90.77 527 007 9.23 91 464

Obtained majority in all six States and an overall majority of 4 656 106 votes.

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