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Australia Australia. Referendum, 1911

26 April 1911
(4) Trade and Commerce; (5) Nationalisation of Monopolies

Question 1

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (Legislative Powers) 1910’?

Constitution Alteration (Legislative Powers) 1910 sought to extend the Commonwealth Parliament’s powers over trade and commerce, the control of corporations, labour and employment, and combinations and monopolies. All of the proposed changes were contained within one question.

Australia. Referendum, 1911. Question 1

# State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (V) % Against (V) % Informal
1 New South Wales 868 194 384 188 135 968 36.11 240 605 63.89 7 396
2 Victoria 723 377 448 566 170 288 38.64 270 390 61.36 7 554
3 Queensland 293 003 162 135 69 552 43.75 89 420 56.25 3 002
4 South Australia 216 027 133 802 50 358 38.07 81 904 61.93 1 374
5 Western Australia 138 697 61 482 33 043 54.86 27 185 45.14 870
6 Tasmania 102 326 58 053 24 147 42.11 33 200 57.89 673
7 Total for Commonwealth 2 341 624 1 248 226 483 356 39.42 742 704 60.58 20 869

Obtained majority in one State and an overall minority of 259 348 votes.
Not carried

Question 2

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (Monopolies) 1910’?

Constitution Alteration (Monopolies) 1910 sought to give the Commonwealth Parliament power to nationalise any industry declared by both Houses of Parliament to be the subject of a monopoly.

Australia. Referendum, 1911. Question 2

# State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (V) % Against (V) % Informal
1 New South Wales 868 194 384 188 138 237 36.72 238 177 63.28 7 618
2 Victoria 723 377 448 566 171 453 38.95 268 743 61.05 8 041
3 Queensland 293 003 162 135 70 259 44.26 88 472 55.74 3 200
4 South Australia 216 027 133 802 50 835 38.42 81 479 61.58 1 344
5 Western Australia 138 697 61 482 33 592 55.84 26 561 44.16 898
6 Tasmania 102 326 58 053 24 292 42.43 32 960 57.57 753
7 Total for Commonwealth 2 341 624 1 248 226 488 668 39.89 736 392 60.11 21 854

Obtained majority in one State and an overall minority of 247 724 votes.
Not carried

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