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Australia Australia. Referendum, 1910

13 April 1910
(2) State Debts; (3) Surplus Revenue

Question 1

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (State Debts) 1909’?

The Constitution gave the Commonwealth Parliament power to take over debts of the States in existence at the establishment of the Commonwealth. Constitution Alteration (State Debts) 1909 sought to give the Commonwealth unrestricted power to take over State debts by deleting words from section 105.

Australia. Referendum, 1910

State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (v) For (%) Against (v) Against (%) Informal
New South Wales 834 662 512 802 159 275 33.34 318 412 66.66 34 060
Victoria 703 699 468 535 279 392 64.59 153 148 35.41 33 824
Queensland 279 031 170 634 102 705 64.57 56 346 35.43 9 971
South Australia 207 655 110 503 72 985 73.18 26 742 26.82 10 252
Western Australia 134 979 83 893 57 367 72.80 21 437 27.20 4 324
Tasmania 98 456 57 609 43 329 80.97 10 186 19.03 3 778
Total 2 258 482 1 403 976 715 053 54.95 586 271 45.05 96 209

Obtained majority in five States and an overall majority of 128 782 votes. Carried

Question 2

Do you approve of the proposed law for the alteration of the Constitution entitled ‘Constitution Alteration (Finance) 1909’?

Constitution Alteration (Finance) 1909 sought to amend section 87 (the ‘Braddon Clause’) which was due to lapse in 1910, in order to give constitutional effect to a financial agreement reached between the States and the Commonwealth to replace the section.

Australia. Referendum, 1910. Question 2

State Number on rolls Ballot papers issued For (v) For (%) Against (v) Against (%) Informal
New South Wales 834 662 512 802 227 650 47.35 253 107 52.65 31 411
Victoria 703 699 468 535 200 165 45.26 242 119 54.74 24 299
Queensland 279 031 170 634 87 130 54.58 72 516 45.42 9 489
South Australia 207 655 110 503 49 352 49.06 51 250 50.94 9 679
Western Australia 134 979 83 893 49 050 61.74 30 392 38.26 3 890
Tasmania 98 456 57 609 32 167 59.99 21 454 40.01 3 669
Total 2 258 482 1 403 976 645 514 49.04 670 838 50.96 82 437

Obtained majority in three States and an overall minority of 25 324 votes.
Not carried

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