Serbia. Legislative Election 2020
By Alex Kireev
For Our Children (SNS–SDP–PS–PUPS–PSS–SNP–SPO–NSS) 60.65
Socialist Party of Serbia–United Serbia 10.38
Serbian Patriotic Alliance 3.83
For the Kingdom of Serbia 2.67
Enough is Enough 2.30
Broom 2020 2.24
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians 2.23
Serbian Radical Party 2.05
Movement of Free Citizens 1.58
Serbian Party Oathkeepers 1.43
Health for the Victory (ZS–BS) 1.04
Straight Ahead (SPP–DPM) 1.00
United Democratic Serbia (S21–SMS–GDF–LSV–VP–DSHV–CP) 0.95
Albanian Democratic Alternative 0.82
Party of Democratic Action of Sandžak 0.77
Leviathan 0.70
1 of 5 million 0.63
Coalition for Peace 0.32
People’s Bloc (NS–NSP) 0.24
May the Masks Fall (ZS–NS) 0.24
Russian Party 0.20
Invalid/blank votes 3.67