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Poland Poland. Legislative Election 1997


Solidarity Election Action (AWS) (Catholic nationalist)
German Social And Cultural Society Opole Silesia (MNO)      
Polish Peasant Party (PSL) (anti-reform rural)
Movement for the Reconstruction of Poland (ROP) (nationalist)
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) (ex-Communist social democrat)
Freedom Union (UW) (free-market liberal)

NATIONAL SUMMARY      28,409,054 eligible, 13,597,593 (47.9%) voted
Party                                  Votes       %      Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       4,427,373   33.8   201
German Social and Cultural Soc (MNO)      51,027   00.4     2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)               900,271   06.9    27
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)         662,668   05.1     6
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         3,517,866   26.9   164
Freedom Union (UW)                     1,723,811   13.2    60
Others                                 1,808,674   13.8     -
505,903 (03.7%) invalid               13,091,690          460
Deputies elected for each district appear at the foot of each 

BIALA PODLASKA (3)          224,559 eligible, 104,911 (46.7%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       35,634   34.4   1
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             18,292   18.2   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        6,931   06.9   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         19,975   19.8   1
Freedom Union (UW)                      5,905   05.9.  -
Others                                 13,960   13.9   -
4,214 (04.0%) invalid                 100,697          3
Jozef Bergier (AWS)              Franciszek Stefaniuk (PSL)
Szczepan Skomra (SLD)

BIALYSTOK (7)               516,473 eligible, 269,210 (52.1%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      115,634   44.3   5
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       14,721   05.6   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         64,985   24.9   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     18,690   07.2   -
Others                                 47,070   18.0   -
8,110 (03.0%) invalid                 261,100          7
Marian Blecharczyk (AWS)         Jozef Mozolewski (AWS)
Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz (SLD)    Waldemar Pawlowski (AWS)
Krzysztof Jurgiel (AWS)          Siergiej Plewa (SLD)
Piotr Krutul (AWS)

BIELSKO BIALA (9)           672,430 eligible, 377,586 (56.1%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      154,958   43.0   5
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             17,388   04.8   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       17,295   04.8   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         75,880   21.1   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     56,159   15.6   2
Others                                 38,575   10.7   -
17,331 (04.6%) invalid                360,255          9
Wladyslaw Bulka (SLD)            Miroslaw Styczen (AWS)
Antoni Kobielusz (SLD)           Stanislaw Szwed (AWS)
Zbigniew Leraczyk (UW)           Zbigniew Wawak (AWS)
Marian Soltysiewicz (AWS)        Jerzy Widzyk (AWS)
Grazyna Staniszewska (UW) 

BYDGOSZCZ (11)              822,177 eligible, 395,974 (48.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      104,809   27.6   4
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             24,369   06.4   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       16,923   04.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        140,352   37.0   5
Freedom Union (UW)                     43,629   11.5   1
Others                                 49,348   13.0
16,544 (04.2%) invalid                379,430         11
Anna Bankowska (SLD)             Tadeusz Lewandowski (AWS) 
Ryszard Brejza (AWS)             Jan Rulewski (UW)
Witold Deregowski (SLD)          Grzegorz Schreiber (AWS) 
Grzegorz Gruszka (SLD)           Janusz Zemke (SLD)
Barbara Hyla-Makowska (SLD)      Kosma Zlotowski (AWS) 
Eugeniusz Klopotek (PSL)

CHELM (3)                    183,352 eligible, 71,977 (39.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       17,194   25.2   1
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              9,237   13.5   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        6,450   09.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         20,629   30.3   2
Freedom Union (UW)                      5,690   08.3   -
Others                                  8,932   13.1   -
3,845 (05.3%) invalid                  68,132          3
Zdzislaw Denysiuk (AWS)          Piotr Miszczuk (SLD) 
Zbigniew Janowski (SLD)

CIECHANOW (4)               316,708 eligible, 121,611 (38.4%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       33,198   28.7   1
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             16,742   14.5   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        7,699   06.7   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         34,311   29.7   2
Freedom Union (UW)                      7,926   06.8   -
Others                                 15,683   13.6   -
6,052 (05.0%) invalid                 115,559          4
Miroslaw Kozlakiewicz (AWS)      Anna Zalewska (SLD)
Zbigniew Siemiatkowski (SLD)     Stanislaw Zelichowski (PSL 

CZESTOCHOWA (8)             581,086 eligible, 261,554 (45.0%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       76,899   30.6   3
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             16,289   06.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         78,808   31.4   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     24,730   09.8   1
Others                                 54,543   21.7   -
10,285 (04.1%) invalid                251,269          8
Ewa Janik (SLD)                  Zygmunt Ratman (SLD) 
Jacek Kasprzyk (SLD)             Marek Wojcik (AWS) 
Marek Lewandowski (SLD)          Tadeusz Wrona (AWS) 
Edward Maniura (AWS)             Jerzy Zajac (UW) 

ELBLAG (5)                  349,751 eligible, 143,293 (41.0%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       35,977   26.2   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              8,790   06.4   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        8,184   06.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         46,479   33.9   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     17,403   12.7   1
Others                                 20,188   14.7   -
6,272 (04.6%) invalid                 137,021          5
Tadeusz Cymanski (AWS)           Jerzy Godzik (UW) 
Witold Gintowt-Dziewaltowski     Malgorzata Ostrowska (SLD)
 (SLD)                           Wieslaw Walendziak (AWS)

GDANSK (15)               1,066,826 eligible, 586,878 (55.0%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      285,700   50.1   9
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       17,101   03.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        115,185   20.2   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     76,665   13.4   2
Others                                 75,552   13.2   -
16,675 (02.8%) invalid                570,203         15
Dorota Arciszewska (AWS)         Longin Pastusiak (SLD) 
Jolanta Banach (SLD)             Maciej Plazynski (AWS) 
Bogdan Borusewicz (UW)           Franciszek Potulski (SLD) 
Jerzy Budnik (AWS)               Jacek Rybicki (AWS) 
Franciszka Cegielska (AWS)       Ewa Sikorska-Trela (AWS) 
Kulas Edward (AWS)               Antoni Szymanski (AWS) 
Aleksander Hall (AWS)            Jerzy Zakrzewski (SLD) 
Olga Krzyzanowska (UW) 

GLIWICE (14)                965,329 eligible, 422,062 (43.7%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      146,734   34.8   6
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       21,271   05.0   1
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        101,718   24.1   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     73,023   17.3   3
Others                                 79,316   18.8   -
18,399 (04.4%) invalid                422,062         14
Piotr Folwarczny (UW)            Czeslaw Sobierajski (AWS) 
Wojciech Frank (AWS)             Janusz Steinhoff (AWS)
Karol Luzniak (AWS)              Bernard Szweda (AWS)
Waclaw Martyniuk (SLD)           Wieslaw Szweda (SLD) 
Ryszard Ostrowski (UW)           Adam Wedrychowicz (ROP) 
Andrzej Potocki (UW)             Zbyszek Zaborowski (SLD) 
Krzysztof Smieja (AWS)           Andrzej Zajac (SLD) 

GORZOW (5)                  369,193 eligible, 158,309 (42.9%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       38,731   25.7   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             13,054   08.6   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        4,634   03.1   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         53,137   35.2   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     21,324   14.1   1
Others                                 19,953   13.2   -
7,476 (04.7%) invalid                 150,833          5
Tadeusz Jedrzejczak (SLD)        Maciej Rudnicki (AWS) 
Jan Kochanowski (SLD)            Jerzy Wierchowicz (UW)
Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz (AWS) 

JELENIA GORA (5)            385,370 eligible, 172,882 (44.9%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       45,515   27.6   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              5,730   03.5   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        6,388   03.9   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         58,924   35.7   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     20,454   12.4   1
Others                                 28,044   17.0   -
7,827 (04.7%) invalid                 165,055          5
Jerzy Jankowski (SLD)            Jerzy Szmajdzinski (SLD) 
Wieslaw Kielbowicz (AWS)         Marcin Zawila (UW) 
Ryszard Matusiak (AWS)

KALISZ (7)                  525,919 eligible, 256,413 (48.7%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       63,227   26.1   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             29,665   12.3   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       10,832   04.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         78,819   32.6   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     28,114   11.6   1
Others                                 31,379   13.0   -
14,377 (05.6%) invalid                242,036          7
Jozef Gruszka (PSL)              Witold Tomczak (AWS)
Seweryn Kaczmarek (SLD)          Grzegorz Wozny (SLD)
Jerzy Koralewski (UW)            Andrzej Wojtyla (AWS) 
Renata Szynalska (SLD) 

KATOWICE (16)             1,211,784 eligible, 539,609 (44.5%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      166,432   32.0   7
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        140,068   26.9   5
Freedom Union (UW)                    117,174   22.5   4
Others                                 96,548   18.5   -
19,387 (03.6%) invalid                520,222         16
Leszek Balcerowicz (UW)          Leszek Piotrowski (AWS) 
Jozef Blaszczyk (SLD)            Jerzy Polaczek (AWS) 
Barbara Blida (SLD)              Miroslaw Sekula (AWS)
Jan Chojnacki (SLD)              Czeslaw Sleziak (SLD)
Jan Klimek (UW)                  Adam Slomka (AWS) 
Marian Krzaklewski (AWS)         Edmund Sroka (AWS) 
Irena Lipowicz (UW)              Cezary Stryjak (SLD) 
Pawel Nowok (AWS)                Tadeusz Zielinski (UW)

KIELCE (12)                 847,986 eligible, 354,403 (41.8%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       83,836   24.6   4
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             50,154   14.7   2
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       18,108   05.3   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        108,385   31.8   5
Freedom Union (UW)                     35,465   10.4   1
Others                                 44,754   13.1   -
13,701 (03.8%) invalid                340,702         12
Wladyslaw Adamski (SLD)          Mariusz Olszewski (AWS) 
Waldemar Bartosz (AWS)           Miroslaw Pawlak (PSL) 
Juliusz Jan Braun (UW)           Czeslaw Siekierski (PSL)
Henryk Dlugosz (SLD)             Andrzej Slomski (SLD) 
Stanislaw Glowacki (AWS)         Grzegorz Walendzik (AWS) 
Zdzislaw Kalamaga (SLD)          Jozef Wiaderny (SLD) 

KONIN (5)                   347,730 eligible, 146,640 (42.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       38,385   27.7   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             17,362   12.5   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        6,982   05.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         42,408   30.6   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     13,359   09.6   -
Others                                 20,259   14.6   -
7,885 (05.4%) invalid                 138,755          5
Czeslaw Cieslak (PSL)            Jozef Nowicki (SLD)
Marian Marczewski (SLD)          Antoni Tyczka (AWS) 
Ireneusz Niewiarowski (AWS) 

KOSZALIN (5)                378,808 eligible, 157,963 (41.7%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       35,099   23.2   1
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              6,877   04.5   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        6,840   04.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         57,048   37.7   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     22,470   14.9   1
Others                                 22,867   15.1   -
6,762 (04.3%) invalid                 151,201          5
Marian Golinski (AWS)            Ryszard Ulicki (SLD) 
Seweryn Jurgielaniec (SLD)       Zofia Wilczynska (SLD)
Jerzy Madej (UW)

KRAKOW (13)                 917,420 eligible, 499,813 (54.5%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      203,726   42.0   7
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             21,159   04.3   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       24,174   05.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         88,154   18.1   3
Freedom Union (UW)                    102,964   21.2   3
Others                                 45,275   09.3   -
14,361 (02.9%) invalid                485,452         13
Kazimierz Barczyk (AWS)          Jozef Lassota (UW) 
Kazimierz Chrzanowski (SLD)      Tadeusz Mazowiecki (UW) 
Bronislaw Cieslak (SLD)          Marek Nawara (AWS) 
Jozef Dabrowski (AWS)            Jan Rokita (AWS)
Kazimierz Kapera (AWS)           Andrzej Urbanczyk (SLD) 
Wladyslaw Kielian (AWS)          Zbigniew Zarebski (AWS) 
Stanislaw Kracik (UW)

KROSNO (5)                  365,645 eligible, 193,014 (52.8%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       87,639   47.2   4
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             13,050   07.0   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       18,602   10.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         28,930   15.6   1
Freedom Union (UW)                     14,112   07.6   -
Others                                 23,354   12.6   -
7,327 (03.8%) invalid                 185,687          5
Witold Firak (SLD)               Szymon Niemiec (AWS) 
Ryszard Kedra (AWS)              Stanislaw Zajac (AWS) 
Andrzej Koziol (AWS) 

LEGNICA (5)                 378,957 eligible, 168,085 (44.3%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       52,446   32.5   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              7,755   04.8   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         56,301   34.9   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     17,352   10.7   -
Others                                 27,566   17.1   -
6,665 (04.0%) invalid                 161,420          5
Bronislawa Kowalska (SLD)        Jacek Swakon (AWS)
Tadeusz Mackala (AWS)            Ryszard Zbrzyzny (SLD) 
Wladyslaw Rak (SLD) 

LESZNO (4)                  283,840 eligible, 136,195 (48.0%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       32,510   25.8   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             14,473   11.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         42,749   33.9   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     15,986   12.7   -
Others                                 20,422   16.2   -
10,055 (07.4%) invalid                126,140          4
Elzbieta Barys (AWS)             Marian Poslednik (AWS) 
Ryszard Hayn (SLD)               Wieslaw Szczepanski (SLD) 

LUBLIN (10)                 754,491 eligible, 355,065 (47.1%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      121,812   35.4   4
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             40,023   11.6   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       30,330   08.8   1
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         79,776   23.2   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     31,445   09.1   1
Others                                 40,593   11.8   -
11,086 (03.2%) invalid                343,979         10
Pawel Brylowski (UW)             Izabella Sierakowska (SLD) 
Marian Jusko (SLD)               Jacek Szczot (AWS)
Grzegorz Kurczuk (SLD)           Mieczyslaw Szczygiel (AWS) 
Teresa Liszcz (AWS)              Wojciech Wlodarczyk (ROP) 
Zdzislaw Podkanski (PSL)         Dariusz Wojcik (AWS) 

LOMZA (4)                   254,476 eligible, 118,110 (46.4%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       53,356   47.1   3
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             12,937   11.4   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       12,473   11.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         15,809   14.0   1
Others                                 18,634   16.4   -
4,901 (04.1%) invalid                 113,209          4
Mieczyslaw Czerniawski (SLD)     Marek Kaczynski (AWS) 
Marian Jaszewski (AWS)           Michal Kaminski (AWS) 

LODZ (11)                   866,709 eligible, 434,290 (50.1%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      121,894   28.8   4
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       27,214   06.4   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        156,700   37.1   5
Freedom Union (UW)                     62,695   14.8   2
Others                                 54,127   12.8   -
11,660 (02.7%) invalid                422,630         11
Krzysztof Baszczynski (SLD)      Alicja Murynowicz (SLD) 
Miroslaw Drzewiecki (UW)         Stefan Niesiolowski (AWS) 
Zbigniew Kaniewski (SLD)         Andrzej Peczak (SLD) 
Jerzy Kropiwnicki (AWS)          Iwona Sledzinska-Katarasinska (UW)
Marek Markiewicz (AWS)           Piotr Zak (AWS) 
Leszek Miller (SLD) 

NOWY SACZ (7)               521,521 eligible, 295,040 (56.6%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      157,890   56.0   5
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             20,216   07.2   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        9,803   03.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         29,613   10.5   1
Freedom Union (UW)                     27,919   09.9   1
Others                                 36,369   12.9   -
13,230 (04.7%) invalid                281,810          7
Franciszek Adamczyk (AWS)        Zofia Krasicka-Domka (AWS) 
Zygmunt Berdychowski (AWS)       Kazimierz Sas (SLD)
Marian Cycon (UW)                Andrzej Szkaradek (AWS) 
Kazimierz Dzielski (AWS)

OLSZTYN (8)                 552,957 eligible, 234,944 (42.5%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       57,992   25.9   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             12,746   05.7   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       12,575   05.6   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         74,906   33.4   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     34,009   15.2   1
Others                                 32,035   14.3   -
10,681 (04.8%) invalid                224,263          8
Danuta Ciborowska (SLD)          Halina Nowina-Konopka (AWS) 
Tadeusz Iwinski (SLD)            Joannna Sosnowska (SLD)
Grazyna Langowska (AWS)          Andrzej Smolinski (AWS) 
Tadeusz Matyjek (SLD)            Adam Zylinski (UW)

OPOLE (10)                  746,860 eligible, 315,137 (42.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       76,720   25.5   3 
German Social and Cultural Soc (MNO)   51,027   17.0   2
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             14,797   04.9   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       14,436   04.8   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         66,961   22.2   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     41,601   13.8   2
Others                                 35,285   11.7   -
14,310 (04.7%) invalid                300,827         10
Elzbieta Adamska (AWS)           Jan Piatkowski (AWS) 
Aleksandra Jakubowska (SLD)      Jerzy Pilarczyk (SLD) 
Tadeusz Jarmuziewicz (UW)        Jerzy Szteliga (SLD) 
Henryk Kroll (MNO)               Kazimierz Szczygielski (UW) 
Helmut Pazdzior (MNO)            Franciszek Szelewicki (AWS)

OSTROLEKA (4)               292,475 eligible, 123,521 (42.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       41,843   35.4   2 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             18,852   16.0   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       10,897   09.2   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         21,298   18.0   1
Freedom Union (UW)                      2,953   02.5   -
Others                                 22,202   18.8   -
5,476 (04.6%) invalid                 118,045          4
Zbigniew Chrzanowski (AWS)       Jaroslaw Kalinowski (PSL)
Henryk Dykty (AWS)               Wit Majewski (SLD) 

PILA (5)                    352,662 eligible, 175,647 (49.8%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       37,638   22.8   1 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             12,275   07.4   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         66,177   40.1   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     20,792   12.6   1
Others                                 28,230   17.1   -
10,535 (06.4%) invalid                165,112          5
Romuald Ajchler (SLD)            Grzegorz Piechowiak (AWS) 
Marek Borowski (SLD)             Adam Szejnfeld (UW) 
Wojciech Nowaczyk (SLD)

PIOTRKOW (7)                478,657 eligible, 203,840 (42.6%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       56,447   29.0   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             27,484   14.1   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       15,060   07.7   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         52,274   26.8   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     17,929   08.9   1
Others                                 25,539   13.1   -
9,107 (04.5%) invalid                 194,733          7
Bogdan Bujak (SLD)               Elzbieta Radziszewska (UW)
Roman Jagielinski (PSL)          Zbigniew Sobotka (SLD) 
Janina Kraus (AWS)               Jacek Tworkowski (AWS)
Miroslaw Kuklinski (AWS) 

PLOCK (5)                   384,261 eligible, 158,663 (41.3%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       35,242   23.1   2 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             32 357   21.2   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        7,344   04.8   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         46,871   30.8   2
Others                                 30,411   20.0   -
6,438 (04.0%) invalid                 152,225          5
Pawel Jaros (AWS)                Andrzej Pilat (SLD)
Michal Kaczmarek (SLD)           Maria Zoltowska (AWS) 
Waldemar Pawlak (PSL)

POZNAN (14)                 990,161 eligible, 527,324 (53.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      136,066   27.0   5 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             23,780   04.7   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       16,316   03.2   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        158,273   31.3   6
Freedom Union (UW)                     92,464   18.3   3
Others                                 77,994   15.4   -
22,431 (04.2%) invalid                504,893         14
Pawel Arndt (AWS)                Janusz Palubicki (AWS)
Bronislaw Dankowski (SLD)        Sylwia Pusz (SLD) 
Karol Dzialoszynski (UW)         Stanislaw Stec (SLD)
Mieczyslaw Jackow (SLD)          Hanna Suchocka (UW) 
Pawel Laczkowski (AWS)           Tadeusz Tomaszewski (SLD) 
Marcin Libicki (AWS)             Urszula Wachowska (AWS) 
Krystyna Lybacka (SLD)           Marek Zielinski (UW)

PRZEMYSL (4)                299,014 eligible, 155,938 (52.1%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       68,265   45.7   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             21,277   14.2   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        8,003   05.3   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         24,084   16.1   1
Freedom Union (UW)                     12,238   08.2   -
Others                                 15,446   10.3   -
6,625 (04.2%) invalid                 149,313          4
Krzysztof Klak (AWS)             Kazimierz Nycz (SLD) 
Adam Lozinski (AWS)              Andrzej Zapalowski (AWS)

RADOM (8)                   553,111 eligible, 240,959 (43.6%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       74,821   32.5   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             33,035   14.3   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       19,362   08.4   1
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         50,767   22.0   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     23,236   10.1   1
Others                                 28,975   12.6   -
10,763 (04.7%) invalid                230,196          8
Stanislaw Brzoska (PSL)          Piotr Nowina-Konopka (UW) 
Danuta Grabowska (SLD)           Regina Pawlowska (SLD) 
Dariusz Grabowski (ROP)          Jan Rejczak (AWS) 
Jan Lopuszanski (AWS)            Romuald Szeremietiew (AWS) 

RZESZOW (8)                 528,102 eligible, 315,854 (43.6%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      177,249   57.8   6 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             28,020   09.1   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       16,804   05.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         41,644   13.6   1
Freedom Union (UW)                     18,712   06.1   -
Others                                 24,203   07.9   -
9,222 (04.7%) invalid                 306,632          8
Aleksander Bentkowski (PSL)      Andrzej Osnowski (AWS) 
Wieslaw Ciesielski (SLD)         Zdzislaw Pupa (AWS) 
Barbara Fraczek (AWS)            Zbigniew Rynasiewicz (AWS) 
Jozef Gorny (AWS)                Waldemar Sikora (AWS) 

SIEDLCE (7)                 477,019 eligible, 211,786 (44.4%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       70,628   34.7   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             41,878   20.6   2
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       13,597   06.7   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         42,300   20.8   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     12,234   06.0   -
Others                                 22,713   11.2   -
8,436 (04.0%) invalid                 203,350          7
Gabriel Janowski (AWS)           Marek Sawicki (PSL) 
Jozef Oleksy (SLD)               Ryszard Smolarek (PSL)
Wiktor Osik (SLD)                Krzysztof Tchorzewski (AWS) 
Marian Pilka (AWS) 

SIERADZ (4)                 305,269 eligible, 129,290 (42.3%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       30,746   24.9   1 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             20,624   16.7   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        7,132   05.8   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         36,171   29.4   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     10,849   08.8   -
Others                                 17,669   14.3   -
6,099 (04.7%) invalid                 123,191          4
Dariusz Kubiak (AWS)             Roman Sroczynski (SLD)
Irena Nowacka (SLD)              Wojciech Zarzycki (PSL)

SKIERNIEWICE (4)            311,884 eligible, 130,318 (41.8%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       31,763   25.5   2 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             24,396   19.6   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        8,226   06.6   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         30,546   24.5   1
Freedom Union (UW)                     12,019   09.6   -
Others                                 17,657   14.2   -
5,711 (04.4%) invalid                 124,607          4
Tadeusz Gajda (PSL)              Konstanty Miodowicz (AWS)
Ewa Mankowska (AWS)              Andrzej Olszewski (SLD)

SLUPSK (4)                  301,700 eligible, 128,124 (42.5%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       31,755   25.3   2 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              8,840   07.0   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        4,819   03.8   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         42,889   34.2   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     15,696   12.7   -
Others                                 21,455   17.1   -
2,670 (02.1%) invalid                 125,454          4
Jerzy Barzowski (AWS)            Jan Sienko (SLD) 
Roman Giedrojc (AWS)             Wladyslaw Szkop (SLD) 

SOSNOWIEC (10)              741,167 eligible, 361,721 (48.8%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       78,542   22.5   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             10,340   03.0   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       12,619   03.6   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        155,876   44.7   6
Freedom Union (UW)                     42,689   12.2   1
Others                                 48,848   14.0   -
12,807 (03.5%) invalid                348,914         10
Krystyna Cencek (SLD)            Kazimierz Milner (SLD)
Maria Gajecka-Bozek (SLD)        Agnieszka Pasternak (SLD)
Barbara Imiolczyk (UW)           Kazimierz Poznanski (AWS) 
Marek Kolasinski (AWS)           Czeslaw Ryszka (AWS) 
Zygmunt Machnik (SLD)            Andrzej Szarawarski (SLD)

STOLECZNE (8)               593,451 eligible, 291,600 (49.1%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      113,315   40.1   4 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             16,246   05.7   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       23,419   08.3   1
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         53,638   19.0   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     43,168   15.3   1
Others                                 32,410   11.5   -
9,404 (03.2%) invalid                 282,196          8
Macierewicz Antoni (ROP)         Pawel Piskorski (UW) 
Jan Jackowski (AWS)              Andrzej Smirnow (AWS) 
Wieslaw Kaczmarek (SLD)          Lech Szymanczyk (SLD) 
Krzysztof Oksiuta (AWS)          Jadwiga Zakrzewska (AWS) 

SUWALKI (5)               346,225 eligible, 141,254 (40.8%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       45,038   33.3   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             12,150   09.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         36,532   27.0   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     14,280   10.6   -
Others                                 27,088   20.1   -
6,166 (04.4%) invalid                 135,088          5
Krzysztof Anuszkiewicz (AWS)     Henryk Goryszewski (AWS)
Jerzy Czepulkowski (SLD)         Zdzislawa Kobylinska (AWS) 
Jerzy Dziewulski (SLD) 

SZCZECIN (10)               729,698 eligible, 329,542 (45.2%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       89,658   28.2   4 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              9,810   03.1   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       11,257   03.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        110,737   34.9   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     54,879   17.3   2
Others                                 41,201   13.0   -
12,000 (03.6%) invalid                317,542         10
Artur Balazs (AWS)               Jacek Piechota (SLD) 
Longin Komolowski (AWS)          Elzbieta Piela-Mielczarek (SLD) 
Stanislaw Kopec (SLD)            Wlodzimierz Puzyna (UW) 
Piotr Lewandowski (UW)           Zbigniew Szymanski (AWS) 
Boguslaw Liberadzki (SLD)        Stanislaw Wadolowski (AWS) 

TARNOBRZEG (6)              440,718 eligible, 204,683 (46.4%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       77,140   39.3   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             22,772   11.6   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       15,698   08.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         46,591   23.7   2
Freedom Union (UW)                     13,957   07.1   -
Others                                 20,185   10.3   -
8,340 (04.1%) invalid                 196,343          6
Andrzej Gargas (AWS)             Stanislaw Masternak (PSL) 
Jerzy Jaskiernia (SLD)           Tadeusz Pawlus (AWS) 
Krzysztof Kaminski (AWS)         Wladyslaw Stepien (SLD) 

TARNOW (7)                  491,680 eligible, 263,924 (53.7%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      129,414   51.5   5 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             29,951   11.9   1
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       12,273   04.9   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         30,670   12.2   1
Freedom Union (UW)                     23,097   09.2   -
Others                                 25,978   10.3   -
12,541 (04.7%) invalid                251,383          7
Andrzej Brzeski (AWS)            Krzysztof Janik (SLD) 
Janusz Brzeski (AWS)             Miroslaw Swoszowski (AWS) 
Grzegorz Cygonik (AWS)           Wieslaw Woda (PSL) 
Mariusz Grabowski (AWS) 

TORUN (7)                   486,750 eligible, 213,748 (43.9%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       58,137   28.4   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             14,650   07.1   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        9,188   04.5   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         66,929   32.7   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     28,825   14.1   1
Others                                 26,888   13.1   -
9,131 (04.3%) invalid                 204,617          7
Jacek Janiszewski (AWS)          Jerzy Wenderlich (SLD) 
Zenon Kufel (SLD)                Michal Wojtczak (AWS) 
Bogdan Lewandowski (SLD)         Jan Wyrowinski (UW) 
Anna Sobecka (AWS) 

WALBRZYCH (8)               552,011 eligible, 250,102 (45.3%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       66,125   27.7   3 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              9,216   03.8   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        9,494   04.0   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         91,599   38.4   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     27,821   11.6   1
Others                                 34,511   14.5   -
11,336 (04.5%) invalid                238,766          8
Marek Dyduch (SLD)               Czeslaw Pogoda (SLD)
Krystyna Herman (SLD)            Zbigniew Senkowski (AWS) 
Jan Litynski (UW)                Leszek Szewc (AWS)
Jedon Mieczyslaw (SLD)           Ryszard Wawryniewicz (AWS) 

WARSZAWA (17)             1,330,377 eligible, 809,708 (60.9%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      253,539   31.9   6 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)              7,451   00.9   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       72,827   09.1   2
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        205,955   25.9   5
Freedom Union (UW)                    172,823   21.7   4
Others                                 82,614   10.4   -
14,499 (01.8%) invalid                795,209         17
Czeslaw Bielecki (AWS)           Jan Olszewski (ROP) 
Bogumil Borowski (SLD)           Katarzyna Piekarska (SLD) 
Piotr Gadzinowski (SLD)          Maria Smereczynska (AWS) 
Bronislaw Geremek (UW)           Ewa Tomaszewska (AWS) 
Piotr Ikonowicz (SLD)            Danuta Waniek (SLD) 
Maciej Jankowski (AWS)           Edward Wende (UW) 
Jaroslaw Kaczynski (ROP)         Andrzej Wielowieyski (UW) 
Bronislaw Komorowski (AWS)       Andrzej Zakrzewski (AWS)
Jacek Kuron (UW) 

WLOCLAWEK (4)               320,384 eligible, 129,460 (40.4%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       31,069   25.2   1 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             13,379   10.8   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        7,243   05.9   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         47,351   38.3   3
Freedom Union (UW)                      9,163   07.4   -
Others                                 15,279   12.4   -
5,976 (04.6%) invalid                 123,484          4
Kazimierz Nowak (SLD)            Stanislaw Pawlak (SLD) 
Marek Olewinski (SLD)            Wladyslaw Skrzypek (AWS)

WROCLAW (12)                842,407 eligible, 423,501 (50.3%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)      135,716   33.0   5 
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             16,591   04.0   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       20,895   05.1   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)        106,713   26.0   4
Freedom Union (UW)                     84,898   20.6   3
Others                                 46,236   11.2   -
12,452 (02.9%) invalid                411,049         12
Jan Chmielewski (AWS)            Marek Mazurkiewicz (SLD)
Ryszard Czarnecki (AWS)          Grzegorz Schetyna (UW) 
Wladyslaw Frasyniuk (UW)         Jan Szymanski (SLD) 
Radoslaw Gawlik (UW)             Kazimierz Ujazdowski (AWS) 
Teresa Jasztal (SLD)             Waldemar Wiazowski (AWS) 
Jozef Kaleta (SLD)               Tomasz Wojcik (AWS) 

ZAMOSC (5)                  363,638 eligible, 167,466 (46.0%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       53,679   33.4   2  
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             39,477   24.6   2
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)       13,568   08.4   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         30,428   18.9   1
Freedom Union (UW)                      8,446   05.3   -
Others                                 14,977   09.3   -
6,891 (04.1%) invalid                 160,575          5
Adam Biela (AWS)                 Stanislaw Misztal (AWS) 
Ryszard Bondyra (PSL)            Leslaw Podkanski (PSL)
Jan Byra (SLD)  

ZIELONA GORA (7)            487,876 eligible, 219,052 (44.9%) voted
Party                                  Votes    %     Seats
Solidarity Election Action (AWS)       59,591   28.6   3  
Polish Peasant Party (PSL)             14,315   06.9   -
Mvt for the Recn of Poland (ROP)        6,661   03.2   -
Democratic Left Alliance (SLD)         77,901   37.4   3
Freedom Union (UW)                     24,380   11.7   1
Others                                 25,615   12.3   -
10,590 (04.8%) invalid                208,462          7
Tadeusz Bilinski (SLD)           Czeslaw Fiedorowicz (UW) 
Andrzej Brachmanski (SLD)        Maciej Jankowski (AWS) 
Andrzej Chrzanowski (AWS)        Alfred Owoc (SLD)
Edward Daszkiewicz (AWS) 

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