Хорватия. Выборы в Европарламент 2024
Автор: Alex Kireev
Croatian Democratic Union 35.13
Rivers of Justice 25.62
Homeland Movement 8.84
We can! 5.93
Fair Play List 9 5.54
Independent list of Nina Skočak 4.03
The Bridge–HS–HSP 4.01
Law and Justice 2.98
Determination and Justice [hr] 1.37
Independent list of Ladislav Ilčić 1.22
Ričard Independent 1.16
Croatian Party of Pensioners 0.7
Workers’ Front 0.63
Pensioners Together 0.57
Movement for Animals 0.41
Agrarian Party 0.38
Party of Ivan Pernar 0.3
Green Alternative – ORaH 0.22
Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights 0.19
Republic 0.15
Movement for a Modern Croatia 0.13
Croatian Civil Resistance Party 0.13
Dalmatian Action 0.13
Righteous Croatia 0.13
Public Good 0.1