Home » Statistics » Venezuela » Recall Referendum, 2004

Venezuela. Recall Referendum, 2004

Question: Do you agree to revoke, for the current term, the popular mandate as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela conferred on citizen Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías through democratic and legitimate elections? NO or YES?

(¿Está usted de acuerdo con dejar sin efecto el mandato popular otorgado mediante elecciones democráticas legítimas al ciudadano Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías como presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela para el actual período presidencial? ¿NO o SÍ?)

Region No Yes Turnout
Total 59.0958 40.6393 69.92
AMAZONAS 70.324 28.88 67.681
ANZOATEGUI 54.068 45.643 67.695
APURE 67.614 32.043 71.219
ARAGUA 67.984 31.909 71.466
BARINAS 69.212 30.344 73.771
BOLIVAR 66.358 33.29 65.896
CARABOBO 56.767 43.106 68.828
COJEDES 66.955 32.639 73.249
DELTA AMACURO 70.367 28.589 61.481
DISTRITO CAPITAL 56.044 43.955 69.273
FALCON 57.243 42.188 70.419
GUARICO 70.973 28.783 69.668
LARA 64.757 34.983 72.459
MERIDA 53.839 45.798 73.805
MIRANDA 50.906 48.976 71.608
MONAGAS 60.963 38.819 72.063
NUEVA ESPARTA 49.966 50.034 70.367
PORTUGUESA 72.856 26.444 73.185
SUCRE 66.945 32.57 64.674
TACHIRA 50.551 49.102 70.85
TRUJILLO 66.277 33.225 72.024
VARGAS 64.208 35.618 69.288
YARACUY 60.234 39.363 73.567
ZULIA 53.141 46.577 67.083
External 9.947 89.577 66.437




venezuela recall referendum 2004


venezuala recall referendum 2004


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