Home » Statistics » Switzerland » Referendum of May 16, 2004

Switzerland. Referendum of May 16, 2004

1st provision: Voters will be asked to approve a revision of the country�€™s state pension system In order to guarantee payments from the state pensions fund despite changes in the demographic situation, the Swiss government and Parliament argue that savings must be made in specific areas. The 11th revision of the state pensions scheme includes raising the retirement age to 65 for women, decreasing widows�€™ pensions as well as funding the pensions fund by value added tax (VAT). With the additional VAT revenues, financing the pensions fund is to be guaranteed until 2015. The referendum on the issue was initiated by the Swiss Trade Union Federation. ( http://www.electionguide.org/election.php?ID=228)

Canton Electeurs Votants % Particip. Oui Non % Oui % Non
Zurich 814'951 423'435 51.96% 161'809 254'067 38.9% 61.1%
Berne 686'750 339'374 49.42% 103'222 232'946 30.7% 69.3%
Lucerne 238'654 128'930 54.02% 46'958 79'997 37.0% 63.0%
Uri 25'539 12'585 49.28% 3'370 8'843 27.6% 72.4%
Schwyz 90'372 48'228 53.37% 17'744 29'271 37.7% 62.3%
Obwald 23'020 11'842 51.44% 4'032 7'143 36.1% 63.9%
Nidwald 28'453 15'026 52.81% 5'855 8'741 40.1% 59.9%
Glaris 25'027 10'621 42.44% 3'730 6'804 35.4% 64.6%
Zoug 67'742 37'656 55.59% 14'781 22'576 39.6% 60.4%
Fribourg 165'509 84'877 51.28% 19'089 64'529 22.8% 77.2%
Soleure 166'349 85'523 51.41% 25'008 59'994 29.4% 70.6%
Bâle-Ville 115'518 64'996 56.26% 16'821 47'582 26.1% 73.9%
Bâle-Campagne 179'814 93'797 52.16% 26'485 66'251 28.6% 71.4%
Schaffhouse 48'076 31'926 66.41% 10'344 20'122 34.0% 66.0%
Appenzell Rhodes-Ext. 36'159 20'278 56.08% 8'260 11'856 41.1% 58.9%
Appenzell Rhodes-Int. 10'302 4'341 42.14% 1'967 2'315 45.9% 54.1%
Saint-Gall 291'947 136'728 46.83% 54'704 81'341 40.2% 59.8%
Grisons 130'468 57'569 44.12% 18'111 38'341 32.1% 67.9%
Argovie 365'763 171'666 46.93% 59'858 110'827 35.1% 64.9%
Thurgovie 147'270 67'209 45.64% 25'658 40'163 39.0% 61.0%
Tessin 199'628 95'870 48.02% 23'453 70'639 24.9% 75.1%
Vaud 375'250 198'773 52.97% 57'960 139'211 29.4% 70.6%
Valais 190'467 84'083 44.15% 14'648 68'586 17.6% 82.4%
Neuchâtel 105'312 60'511 57.46% 12'604 47'504 21.0% 79.0%
Genève 221'351 125'743 56.81% 32'679 91'953 26.2% 73.8%
Jura 48'382 26'818 55.43% 3'623 22'970 13.6% 86.4%
Switzerland 4'798'073 2'438'405 50.82% 772'773 1'634'572 32.1% 67.9%




switzerland referendum may 16 2004 mapSource:



3rd provision: Tax reforms The tax reforms include a reduction in taxes for married couples, families and home owners as well as a reduction in stamp duty. The reforms would lead to a drop in tax revenues of 4.3 billion Swiss Francs. The referendum was initiated by more than 50,000 citizens as well as a number of cantons. (http://www.electionguide.org/election.php?ID=228)

Canton Electeurs Votants % Particip. Oui Non % Oui % Non
Zurich 814'951 423'962 52.02% 161'767 254'526 38.9% 61.1%
Berne 686'750 339'365 49.42% 91'820 244'975 27.3% 72.7%
Lucerne 238'654 129'029 54.07% 49'399 77'807 38.8% 61.2%
Uri 25'539 12'651 49.54% 3'136 9'183 25.5% 74.5%
Schwyz 90'372 48'271 53.41% 19'885 27'239 42.2% 57.8%
Obwald 23'020 11'853 51.49% 3'802 7'447 33.8% 66.2%
Nidwald 28'453 15'047 52.88% 6'312 8'346 43.1% 56.9%
Glaris 25'027 10'634 42.49% 3'540 7'037 33.5% 66.5%
Zoug 67'742 37'693 55.64% 16'122 21'335 43.0% 57.0%
Fribourg 165'509 84'515 51.06% 20'398 62'849 24.5% 75.5%
Soleure 166'349 85'535 51.42% 27'057 57'947 31.8% 68.2%
Bâle-Ville 115'518 64'940 56.22% 15'680 48'514 24.4% 75.6%
Bâle-Campagne 179'814 93'965 52.26% 27'784 65'043 29.9% 70.1%
Schaffhouse 48'076 31'935 66.43% 11'731 18'881 38.3% 61.7%
Appenzell Rhodes-Ext. 36'159 20'344 56.26% 9'183 11'023 45.4% 54.6%
Appenzell Rhodes-Int. 10'302 4'334 42.07% 2'060 2'217 48.2% 51.8%
Saint-Gall 291'947 137'283 47.02% 61'242 75'385 44.8% 55.2%
Grisons 130'468 57'655 44.19% 16'057 40'510 28.4% 71.6%
Argovie 365'763 172'082 47.05% 68'011 103'235 39.7% 60.3%
Thurgovie 147'270 67'138 45.59% 30'219 35'578 45.9% 54.1%
Tessin 199'628 95'860 48.02% 31'514 61'753 33.8% 66.2%
Vaud 375'250 198'498 52.9% 68'235 127'922 34.8% 65.2%
Valais 190'467 84'085 44.15% 15'177 67'951 18.3% 81.7%
Neuchâtel 105'312 60'476 57.43% 17'073 42'842 28.5% 71.5%
Genève 221'351 125'743 56.81% 39'447 84'739 31.8% 68.2%
Jura 48'382 26'784 55.36% 4'824 21'626 18.2% 81.8%
Switzerland 4'798'073 2'439'677 50.85% 821'475 1'585'910 34.1% 65.9%








Home » Statistics » Switzerland » Referendum of May 16, 2004

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