Home » Statistics » Switzerland » Referendum of March 12, 2000

Switzerland. Referendum of March 12, 2000


Introduction of female quotas in elections

Canton Electeurs Votants % Particip. Oui Non % Oui % Non
Zurich 784'581 348'186 44.37% 66'411 273'220 19.6% 80.4%
Berne 675'490 293'435 43.44% 47'248 241'406 16.4% 83.6%
Lucerne 231'096 108'443 46.92% 16'694 89'909 15.7% 84.3%
Uri 25'447 13'158 51.7% 1'670 11'157 13.0% 87.0%
Schwyz 84'829 42'644 50.27% 4'719 37'086 11.3% 88.7%
Obwald 22'144 9'725 43.91% 1'134 8'404 11.9% 88.1%
Nidwald 26'897 11'933 44.36% 1'251 10'411 10.7% 89.3%
Glaris 24'592 9'773 39.74% 1'305 8'348 13.5% 86.5%
Zoug 64'484 30'181 46.8% 4'403 25'467 14.7% 85.3%
Fribourg 157'755 63'937 40.52% 11'298 51'396 18.0% 82.0%
Soleure 163'665 74'518 45.53% 10'672 63'044 14.5% 85.5%
Bâle-Ville 119'980 61'435 51.2% 15'853 44'379 26.3% 73.7%
Bâle-Campagne 175'485 74'452 42.42% 12'214 60'932 16.7% 83.3%
Schaffhouse 48'075 32'036 66.63% 6'215 23'621 20.8% 79.2%
Appenzell Rhodes-Ext. 35'628 17'888 50.2% 2'273 15'487 12.8% 87.2%
Appenzell Rhodes-Int. 10'021 4'326 43.16% 302 3'981 7.1% 92.9%
Saint-Gall 284'064 122'918 43.27% 16'859 104'959 13.8% 86.2%
Grisons 128'032 45'797 35.76% 6'945 37'828 15.5% 84.5%
Argovie 351'523 142'115 40.42% 18'842 121'584 13.4% 86.6%
Thurgovie 141'459 58'927 41.65% 7'767 49'357 13.6% 86.4%
Tessin 193'217 58'129 30.08% 10'453 46'138 18.5% 81.5%
Vaud 365'726 127'270 34.79% 29'548 95'372 23.7% 76.3%
Valais 183'363 62'129 33.88% 9'405 51'481 15.4% 84.6%
Neuchâtel 104'770 37'056 35.36% 9'088 27'138 25.1% 74.9%
Genève 208'911 96'666 46.27% 29'571 64'858 31.3% 68.7%
Jura 47'879 18'464 38.56% 4'174 13'896 23.1% 76.9%
Switzerland 4'659'113 1'965'541 42.18% 346'314 1'580'859 18.0% 82.0%




switzerland referendum female quotas march 12 2000




The "Reduction of traffic" initiative

Canton Electeurs Votants % Particip. Oui Non % Oui % Non
Zurich 784'581 351'094 44.74% 92'046 253'232 26.7% 73.3%
Berne 675'490 293'439 43.44% 67'945 223'151 23.3% 76.7%
Lucerne 231'096 108'844 47.09% 21'706 85'765 20.2% 79.8%
Uri 25'447 13'310 52.3% 2'680 10'363 20.5% 79.5%
Schwyz 84'829 42'900 50.57% 5'990 36'220 14.2% 85.8%
Obwald 22'144 9'752 44.03% 1'457 8'151 15.2% 84.8%
Nidwald 26'897 11'964 44.48% 1'885 9'867 16.0% 84.0%
Glaris 24'592 9'799 39.84% 2'067 7'672 21.2% 78.8%
Zoug 64'484 30'467 47.24% 6'131 24'151 20.2% 79.8%
Fribourg 157'755 64'181 40.68% 9'104 54'102 14.4% 85.6%
Soleure 163'665 74'680 45.62% 14'393 59'792 19.4% 80.6%
Bâle-Ville 119'980 61'809 51.51% 20'674 40'352 33.9% 66.1%
Bâle-Campagne 175'485 74'797 42.62% 16'438 57'540 22.2% 77.8%
Schaffhouse 48'075 32'109 66.78% 6'641 24'076 21.6% 78.4%
Appenzell Rhodes-Ext. 35'628 18'023 50.58% 3'945 13'977 22.0% 78.0%
Appenzell Rhodes-Int. 10'021 4'334 43.24% 617 3'688 14.3% 85.7%
Saint-Gall 284'064 124'102 43.68% 25'264 97'891 20.5% 79.5%
Grisons 128'032 46'292 36.15% 9'687 35'784 21.3% 78.7%
Argovie 351'523 143'272 40.75% 26'052 116'341 18.3% 81.7%
Thurgovie 141'459 59'106 41.78% 10'532 47'168 18.3% 81.7%
Tessin 193'217 58'129 30.08% 13'284 43'471 23.4% 76.6%
Vaud 365'726 127'277 34.8% 20'760 104'633 16.6% 83.4%
Valais 183'363 62'131 33.88% 6'092 55'009 10.0% 90.0%
Neuchâtel 104'770 37'060 35.37% 6'456 30'114 17.7% 82.3%
Genève 208'911 97'161 46.5% 21'213 74'281 22.2% 77.8%
Jura 47'879 18'498 38.63% 2'546 15'727 13.9% 86.1%
Switzerland 4'659'113 1'974'530 42.37% 415'605 1'532'518 21.3% 78.7%






Initiative "Denner" for faster and direct democracy

Canton Electeurs Votants % Particip. Oui Non % Oui % Non
Zurich 784'581 347'480 44.28% 109'763 227'709 32.5% 67.5%
Berne 675'490 293'440 43.44% 75'768 211'464 26.4% 73.6%
Lucerne 231'096 108'212 46.82% 31'108 74'476 29.5% 70.5%
Uri 25'447 13'038 51.23% 3'343 9'242 26.6% 73.4%
Schwyz 84'829 42'538 50.14% 13'986 27'466 33.7% 66.3%
Obwald 22'144 9'717 43.88% 2'467 6'948 26.2% 73.8%
Nidwald 26'897 11'907 44.26% 3'128 8'440 27.0% 73.0%
Glaris 24'592 9'770 39.72% 2'693 6'886 28.1% 71.9%
Zoug 64'484 30'094 46.66% 8'668 20'991 29.2% 70.8%
Fribourg 157'755 63'845 40.47% 16'425 45'304 26.6% 73.4%
Soleure 163'665 74'465 45.49% 21'537 51'804 29.4% 70.6%
Bâle-Ville 119'980 61'191 51% 19'002 40'896 31.7% 68.3%
Bâle-Campagne 175'485 74'205 42.28% 21'593 50'997 29.7% 70.3%
Schaffhouse 48'075 31'997 66.55% 9'811 19'359 33.6% 66.4%
Appenzell Rhodes-Ext. 35'628 17'795 49.94% 5'327 12'264 30.3% 69.7%
Appenzell Rhodes-Int. 10'021 4'317 43.07% 1'015 3'239 23.9% 76.1%
Saint-Gall 284'064 122'458 43.1% 39'532 81'458 32.7% 67.3%
Grisons 128'032 45'559 35.58% 12'623 31'653 28.5% 71.5%
Argovie 351'523 141'717 40.31% 45'702 93'444 32.8% 67.2%
Thurgovie 141'459 58'562 41.39% 18'093 38'328 32.1% 67.9%
Tessin 193'217 58'129 30.08% 21'743 34'204 38.9% 61.1%
Vaud 365'726 127'242 34.79% 36'365 86'764 29.5% 70.5%
Valais 183'363 62'127 33.88% 14'080 46'167 23.4% 76.6%
Neuchâtel 104'770 37'060 35.37% 11'552 24'035 32.5% 67.5%
Genève 208'911 96'444 46.16% 23'286 70'167 24.9% 75.1%
Jura 47'879 18'396 38.42% 4'428 13'211 25.1% 74.9%
Switzerland 4'659'113 1'961'705 42.1% 573'038 1'336'916 30.0% 70.0%






The "Procreation respecting human dignity" initiative

Canton Electeurs Votants % Particip. Oui Non % Oui % Non
Zurich 784'581 348'198 44.38% 102'051 233'931 30.4% 69.6%
Berne 675'490 293'439 43.44% 82'378 203'004 28.9% 71.1%
Lucerne 231'096 108'640 47.01% 33'514 72'243 31.7% 68.3%
Uri 25'447 13'154 51.69% 4'378 8'362 34.4% 65.6%
Schwyz 84'829 42'663 50.29% 12'828 28'663 30.9% 69.1%
Obwald 22'144 9'726 43.92% 2'613 6'819 27.7% 72.3%
Nidwald 26'897 11'934 44.36% 2'831 8'749 24.4% 75.6%
Glaris 24'592 9'788 39.8% 2'474 7'090 25.9% 74.1%
Zoug 64'484 30'223 46.86% 8'842 20'809 29.8% 70.2%
Fribourg 157'755 64'063 40.6% 13'440 48'949 21.5% 78.5%
Soleure 163'665 74'527 45.53% 21'633 51'553 29.6% 70.4%
Bâle-Ville 119'980 61'432 51.2% 21'527 38'072 36.1% 63.9%
Bâle-Campagne 175'485 74'453 42.42% 20'322 52'117 28.1% 71.9%
Schaffhouse 48'075 32'033 66.63% 10'249 19'493 34.5% 65.5%
Appenzell Rhodes-Ext. 35'628 17'810 49.98% 5'839 11'692 33.3% 66.7%
Appenzell Rhodes-Int. 10'021 4'321 43.11% 1'251 3'004 29.4% 70.6%
Saint-Gall 284'064 122'943 43.28% 41'514 79'521 34.3% 65.7%
Grisons 128'032 45'706 35.69% 15'013 29'324 33.9% 66.1%
Argovie 351'523 142'088 40.42% 41'034 98'030 29.5% 70.5%
Thurgovie 141'459 58'937 41.66% 18'349 38'324 32.4% 67.6%
Tessin 193'217 58'129 30.08% 21'244 34'531 38.1% 61.9%
Vaud 365'726 127'271 34.79% 18'844 105'436 15.2% 84.8%
Valais 183'363 62'130 33.88% 12'570 47'953 20.8% 79.2%
Neuchâtel 104'770 37'043 35.35% 7'166 28'816 19.9% 80.1%
Genève 208'911 97'031 46.44% 14'431 80'379 15.2% 84.8%
Jura 47'879 18'486 38.6% 3'460 14'508 19.3% 80.7%
Switzerland 4'659'113 1'966'168 42.2% 539'795 1'371'372 28.2% 71.8%








Home » Statistics » Switzerland » Referendum of March 12, 2000

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