Home » Statistics » Slovenia » Legislative Election, 1996

Slovenia. Legislative Election, 1996

LDS - Liberal Democracy of Slovenia

SLS - Slovenian People's Party

SDS - Social Democratic Party of Slovenia

SKD - Christian Democrats of Slovenia

ZL - The United List of Social Democrats

DeSUS - Democratic Party of Retired Persons of Slovenia

SNS - Slovene National Party

DS - Democratic Party of Slovenia - Democrats of Slovenia

Electoral unit/Headquater  DeSUS  DS  LDS  SLS  SNS  SKD  SDS  ZL 
Slovenia 4,32% 2,68% 27,01% 19,38% 3,32% 9,62% 16,13% 9,03%
Electoral unit 1 / Kranj 1,69% 3,22% 25,76% 19,14% 3,19% 10,67% 18,96% 8,76%
Electoral unit 2 / Postojna 3,66% 1,99% 25,06% 16,37% 3,17% 8,91% 13,68% 13,07%
Electoral unit 3 / Ljubljana Center 2,30% 4,46% 26,37% 18,11% 4,23% 8,57% 16,57% 11,11%
Electoral unit 4 / Ljubljana Be`igrad 1,78% 3,97% 28,08% 16,23% 3,43% 8,66% 19,72% 10,86%
Electoral unit 5 / Celje 6,66% 1,67% 28,17% 18,93% 2,68% 9,32% 18,00% 6,51%
Electoral unit 6 / Novo Mesto 3,33% 2,59% 30,54% 20,53% 3,41% 10,25% 13,47% 9,23%
Electoral unit 7 / Maribor 10,25% 1,95% 24,46% 23,10% 3,46% 7,60% 14,24% 7,00%
Electoral unit 8 / Ptuj 5,68% 1,21% 27,48% 23,52% 2,07% 13,20% 13,51% 5,21%




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