Major parties:
LCD - Lesotho Congress for Democracy
ABC - All Basotho Convention
Number of valid votes |
TOTAL | 429231 | 29.19% | 52.09% |
Butha-Buthe | 21995 | 28.38% | 43.70% |
Leribe | 67145 | 31.36% | 48.23% |
Berea | 48123 | 29.60% | 42.16% |
Maseru | 109028 | 47.46% | 38.68% |
Mafeteng | 47723 | 26.72% | 58.00% |
Mohale's Hoek | 42137 | 16.63% | 70.05% |
Quthing | 23981 | 11.98% | 67.63% |
Qacha's Nek | 17754 | 5.58% | 87.72% |
Thaba-Tseka | 29464 | 11.59% | 63.20% |
Mokhotlong | 21881 | 22.89% | 56.34% |
Major Parties:
NIP - National Independence Party (LCD ally)
LWP - Lesotho Worker's Party (ABC ally)
Number of valid votes | LWP | NIP | |
TOTAL | 436237 | 24.24% | 51.76% |
Butha-Buthe | 22225 | 21.38% | 48.69% |
Leribe | 67989 | 25.79% | 47.00% |
Berea | 48761 | 23.25% | 40.45% |
Maseru | 115254 | 40.94% | 39.08% |
Mafeteng | 48607 | 21.67% | 56.88% |
Mohale's Hoek | 42687 | 13.17% | 68.25% |
Quthing | 27258 | 10.67% | 68.22% |
Qacha's Nek | 17809 | 3.35% | 85.89% |
Thaba-Tseka | 23457 | 7.13% | 65.77% |
Mokhotlong | 22190 | 16.26% | 54.93% |